So here I am, finally got a site in my own name and i know people have asked me why after all these years have i only just got my own site. Well when i started I thought it would be good to have a cool sounding business name , however over time I started to release magic effects, consult on various things and lecture and thought it best to use my name rather than a business name.
Now after COVID has destroyed the magic business and I have haven't performed for over a year and the world is getting back to normal (hopefully) I thought it would be a great opportunity to "start fresh".
Because so many people were changing the dates of their events i had a decision to make, I could either keep trying to get new bookings, advertise all over social media, do those online wedding fayres ..... or I could shut down and close my books , thus keeping free all dates to those who had already hired me.
I chose to close my books. I didnt think it was fair to take new bookings and turn down those already booked who ere looking to move their dates due to covid. To be honest I couldnt believe some companies were still holding wedding fairs online and touting for business. People had lost jobs and loved ones and it seemed to me to be nothing more than a desperate attempt to money grab.
Any way, I have built a new website and have created a new facebook page (Jamie Williams Magic) and although I am still not taking new bookings until the world gets back to normal, I am so excited to think about being back performing soon.

I have been based in #Cardiff for over fifteen years and have performed #weddingmagic at probably all the venues in the area.
Being a #weddingmagician or being a #corporatemagician is a fun way to spend my time, I get to meet so many interesting people and see some amazing events. I like seeing people calling themselves #cardiffweddingmagician as it shows that magic is becoming popular in the area, also noticed #cardiffmagician trending online which again is good for the future of magic.