Years ago I created magic trick, being new to how things worked in this world I sold it to one of the biggest magic companies in the world "Penguin Magic".
It has taken a long time for them to finally release it, but at last I am proud that it has been released to the magic world under the title "Sticker Kicker"
The video shows my good friend and magician Roddy McGhee performing and delivering the effect.
I am so happy with the responses it has had. Also to see some of my magicial heroes such as Craig Petty performing it has blown me away.
I am so grateful to Craig for his kind words, it still feels mad that he is talking about my trick. WOW.
As a humble magician in Cardiff I never thought that wedding magic would lead me to this. It feels surreal and without Roddys help and support from people like Craig I would never had the courage or belief to do it.
One of my favorite magicians David Penn is the host of arguably the number one magic review shows in the world. It was a huge honour to be invited on to the show to perform and talk about my trick.
Cardiff magician does good. That would be the headline if I ever wrote a book lol.
You can purchase my effect direct from me on my shop page or visit Penguin Magic shop.